Final comments (for now) on the abuse crisis

Homily Series: Accountability
Homily Series: Clergy Abuse Crisis

Deference in the face of evil is sin.

Fr. Steve once again expresses sadness and anger at the abuses by the clergy and the refusal of bishops to deal with these cases in a righteous and just way. He mentions the atrocities committed by 300 priests in Pennsylvania. Can the bishops be trusted to protect the victims of predatory priests and ensure justice is done for those who have been abused? We may respect the office of a bishop, but can we trust him?

Today's Gospel makes clear that each person will be judged for his/her own sins, including priests and bishops. The current situation is different from what happened in 2002. Fr. Steve encourages us to challenge prelates on this issue.

After the Church has been ravaged and impoverished by the fallout from these evil deeds, it will need saints: we need to step into that role.

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