A time of purification

Homily Series: Accountability
Homily Series: Clergy Abuse Crisis

We just need to be who we are

The readings today from Ezekiel speak once again about the shepherd of the Lord’s flock. In light of the current climate of sadness and anger over the abuse by clergy they speak about how pastors have not protected the flock but attacked it. The antiphons used during the recent ordination of Monsignor Vinke to the episcopacy stress the responsibility of pastors to serve his flock.

Priests and bishops have authority. They need to be who they are and take responsibility for announcing the truth. It is folly to protect the Church at the cost of the flock like some bishops have done. We are encouraged to pray, fast and express our desire to the bishop that he speak the truth even if it is contrary to the world. Fr. Steve expresses concern that Fr. James Martin has a prominent place at the World Meeting of Catholic Families in Dublin. Fr. Steve points out that what Fr. Martin says regarding the Church’s attitude towards the LGBT movement is simply reiterating the world view of the culture and is contrary to the Church's teaching.

In his post-communion comments Fr. Steve clarifies and reaffirms that we should never discriminate against those who profess to belong to the LGBT movement, but rather minister to them and ask the Lord to heal them.

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