This is my beloved Son. Listen to Him.


Do we know the power of the Lord's resurrection?

Fr. Steve invites us to prayerfully consider what we might give to the Diocesan Services Appeal, this year in the light of his recent generosity challenge.

Fr. Steve places today's Gospel, about the transfiguration, in context by pointing out that Jesus had just told the disciples that he would be killed in Jerusalem. Now they see a foretaste of his glorification as Moses and Elijah appear to Jesus on the mountain. They represent the law and the prophets and they speak to him about his exodus, his crucifixion and resurrection.

In the second reading, St. Paul encourages us to live in a distinctive way, different from the surrounding culture. Fr. Steve reads from the passage just prior to the second reading from Philippians and asks the question: do we know the power of the Lord's resurrection? The only way to heaven is through death and not just physical death but death to sin and death to the world, the flesh and the devil. If we are intentional disciples then worldly achievement does not matter.

We may have people in our lives who are enemies of the cross of Christ and don't approve of our lifestyle as Christians? These are people who are slaves to passions and earthly things. Instead we should view everything from the eternal perspective. Do we think of things in a worldly way or in a way that benefits our ultimate salvation?

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