The Octave of Easter

Homily Series: Easter

Jesus comes not to condemn us but to bring us peace.

This is the Octave of Easter. In the Gospels of this season there are various accounts of the resurrection, when Jesus appears to the disciples. Fr. Steve summarizes those accounts.

Yesterday’s Gospel was from Mark. Jesus appears to Mary Magdalen. The disciples didn’t believe her because she was a woman and because they probably thought she was still distraught. Then there is the Emmaus account, in which the two disciples were walking away from Jerusalem. Jesus wanted to hear what was going on in their hearts so he asks questions of them. He then explains the scriptures to them and reveals himself to them in the breaking of the bread.

Thomas was not present when Jesus appeared to the disciples for the first time; so he did not believe that he had risen from the dead. Jesus made Thomas wait a whole week before he revealed himself to him. The Lord did not reprimand Thomas, but instead comes to him bringing peace. He had mercy.

This is Divine Mercy Sunday. God has nothing but mercy for us. God is the father of mercy, as is proclaimed in the words of absolution in confession. God wants peace for us – peace that the world cannot give. Jesus came to forgive our sins, not to condemn us.

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