Sign up for a time slot to pray in adoration for our country
You are invited to pray in the presence of the Lord, beginning after the 6:30 p.m. All Souls’ Day Mass on November 2nd through the evening until 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 3rd. You can sign up for an hour of prayer HERE. We will have adoration/exposition through the night. As we anticipate this election, let us all be prayerful for the nation, that the Common Good might truly be advanced and the most vulnerable might be protected. This election, as you know, is very consequential in this very challenging, politically divided time. As I mentioned last week, as we pray about the election, let us always add “not my will, but yours be done,” since God’s will, whatever that might be, is where we are invited to have true peace.
-Fr. Steve