Sick & Homebound Contact Information

Jun 14, 2024

There have been times when I have heard that someone was seriously ill only after they have died. I want to avoid that happening, if at all possible. In general, we want to provide pastoral care to members of our parish and community who are sick and/or homebound, especially when they are in danger of death. If you (or a family member or friend) is homebound or sick, please complete THIS FORM, regardless of whether you believe you are (or your family member is) “on the list.” We want to make sure we have up-to-date information.

Emergency Anointing
If your loved ones (or you yourself) are admitted to the hospital, please call the office, (517) 482-4749. You can leave a message with Sarah or you can dial extension 106, which will connect to my cell phone. Feel free at any time to dial extension 106 when you or one you love has an emergency.

Thank you,
Fr. Steve

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