About Our Worship

Located in the heart of the City of Lansing, the Church of the Resurrection exists to help everyone in our parish family live in the light and hope of the Resurrection. Encouraged by our experience of God’s love, we help others come to know and love Jesus in a personal way. Guided by God’s truth, we offer answers to life’s real challenges. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we help each other become mature disciples of Christ who will utilize our gifts to spread the Good News of Jesus in word and deed.

The Church of the Resurrection celebrates the (Novus Ordo) Massad orientem. What that means is that at times during the Mass, especially during the Eucharistic Prayer, the priest and the people face in the same direction, toward the “Liturgical East.” Inspired by Pope Benedict XVI’s book, The Spirit of the Liturgy, we began using what is often called the “Benedictine Altar Arrangement.” We placed six candles on the altar, with a crucifix in the center, to help remind us by the very manner of our prayer that we are not praying to each other but rather to the Father, through the Son, in the Holy Spirit. The change to celebrating ad orientem is helping accomplish this goal even more fully. Learn more about Ad Orientem at Resurrection.

We have Adoration every Friday, many parish-wide devotions, pray Vespers & Compline as a parish, and have Healing Encounter nights. Listen to Fr. Steve's homilies, and familiarize yourself with some of our parish's prayer resources.

*During this time of COVID-19 and the pandemic, we live stream our masses, and have special protocols in place for your safety.
Low-Gluten Hosts are available during Mass. You will need to come for Holy Communion to the priest in the center aisle where he as a separate pyx with low-gluten hosts available.


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