Teaching & Faith Formation

At the Church of the Resurrection, there are so many ways to grow in knowledge of the good, the true, and the beautiful. Our educational opportunities are described below.


Are you thinking of joining the Catholic faith? Are you not sure yet and would just like some more information as you decide? Are you already a Catholic but have not received all your Sacraments? Whether you're completely new to the Catholic Church, or coming back after being away – we want to welcome you! Follow the link above to learn more about our OCIA Program.


Resurrection Life is a 6-week course created by the Church of the Resurrection which presents the wonderful message of the gospel, as expressed in the Apostles Creed, and provides participants with a way of opening themselves to the powerful and liberating experience of new life in Christ through the Holy Spirit. The course is typically held in the Fall. Follow the link above to learn more about this course.


Formation Courses are a series of 3-talk courses aimed at unpacking and exploring the richness and beauty of Scripture, the teachings of the Catholic faith and the example and wisdom of the Saints, and provide practical ways in which we can advance in obedience to the two greatest commandments: to love God and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Several courses are offered each year. Attend one or all of them. Follow the link above to view videos of the past courses or to learn more about this great program.


The Waymarks program is designed for groups and individuals as a way of renewing or
deepening their journey of faith. The program consists of 20 reflections on the spiritual life
which are all contained in the Waymarks book. The reflections are divided into 4 modules:
Setting Out, Going Deeper, Healing Love, and Responding to God. Follow the link to listen and view the videos reflections.


Catholicism 101: Introduction to Catholic Thought & Theology is a course designed to introduce (or re-introduce) participants to the foundational principles, major content, doctrinal truths, and rich beauty of Catholic teaching. The goal of the course is to provide participants with an opportunity to enrich their understanding and love of the Catholic faith and to grapple with the timeless truths of Church teaching, even and especially when that truth bristles against modern culture. The course is taught by Brian Fink, our Middle School Religion & History teacher and member of the parish Formation team. This course is offered periodically.


Lumen Veritatis exists to develop and promote a robust intellectual community in the greater Lansing area by providing rich and diverse opportunities in parishes, schools and the wider public square to investigate and dialogue with the Catholic intellectual tradition. Previous speakers include Dr. Anthony Esolen, Joseph Pearce, Fr. Jacques Phillipe, and Leah Libresco. To watch our Lumen Veritatis lectures, please follow the link above.


In 2019, the Church of the Resurrection offered series of talks on the subject of prayer. In the first part, Brian Fink introduces us to pray in 3 talks. In the second part, Fr. Steve gave an introduction to the Christian discipline of mental & contemplative prayer in 3 talks. In the third part, Jeannette Barbacane and Tesa Fleming, founders of the Heart of Christ Spiritual Direction Program, explain the immensely valuable lessons about prayer from St. Ignatius of Loyola in 3 talks. Follow the link above to view the series.


Watch Brian Fink, Middle School Religion & History Teacher and member of the Formation Team for the Church of the Resurrection, in his video blog series on how the gospel has real impact for our times. These short videos cover everything from the use of social media to bringing up children, from Sunday liturgy to feeding the hungry, and from the Church's teaching on work to space exploration. Follow the link above to view the series.


For Natural Family Planning instruction, the Church of the Resurrection partners with the Couple to Couple League, a non-profit organization that helps build joyful marriages by teaching NFP couple to couple. NFP is a method for couples to discover a natural way to achieve or postpone pregnancy, proven to be 99% effective in postponing pregnancy, and used with considerable success by couples trying to conceive. For more information or to sign up for a class, please follow the link above.


We have many great opporunities for children. Follow the two links above to learn more about faith formation opportunities for your children.


Listen to Fr. Steve's homilies, read Fr. Steve's blog, sign up for a free Formed.org account, learn about our parish library, download popular documents Fr. Steve mentions in his homilies, and more! Just follow the link above to our multimedia resources.

For more information about the various courses and lecture series we offer, please contact Sean O'Neill at [email protected].

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